The Top 10 Edmund McMillen Releases of 2008!!!
10. Dead Baby VG Dressup

A homage to my past, Dead baby vg dressup was actually the 9th in the series, and the last game i made with Caulder.
09. Twin Hobo Rocket

A quickie i made with florian while he was visiting, it was made for the TIG random name generator contest. It was my first attempt at a new art style.
08. Bloodcar 2000! Deluxe!!

The first (and only) Flash game i made with Alex. We had actually made it in only a few days, but spent another 2 weeks working out the bugs and getting menus in. After this alex said he would never work in flash again.
07.Meat Boy Map Pack

My last game of the year. A pack of 70 user made meat boy levels and bonus unlockable movies and characters. since meat boys release in oct. i got over 250 levels submitted, i was able to cut those down to 50 solid levels and threw in a few extras that were made by myself and friends of mine.
06. Cunt

An exercise in total artistic independence (and bad taste). Cunt got a lot of negative attention for its seemingly misogynic themes but was also praise for its "punk" attitude, I just wanted to make a game about genitals that could show everyone that being independent means answering to no one. it was also a way for me to fine tune the new style i was playing around with in Twin hobo rocket. Cunt was made in 9 days.
05. Grey Matter

One of my personal faves i did this year and the first game i worked on with Tommy. Grey matter was my attempt at reinventing the shooter genre and at making an over all "fun" game about mental illness.
04. Coil

My First "art game" and follow up to Triachnid. Coil was inspired by the death of my father and my mother taking care of my terminally ill grandmother, i wanted to make something that expressed how i felt about life and death and my views on the meaning of life. I dont think many people understood what i was saying, but in a lot of ways neither did i. Seeing how people interpreted Coil was very inspiring and opened my eyes to how important the conversation i was having with my audience was.
03.Meat Boy

Another attempt at making a "fun" game with an old school vibe. When Jon approached me with a rough platforming engine that scrolled vertically i knew i had to work on it with him. Meat boy was a character in a new series i was working on this year that i was calling "super zeros" Originally Meat boy was Meat Ninja, but since the similarities to N were already apparent, i ditched the Ninja part :)... shortly after its release i was introduced to a game called jumper, and kinda wish i would have left on meat boys ninja hood...
02. Aether

My favorite game of the year, and my best of all time. Aether is a very personal game about my childhood and something i really poured my heart into. its the most honest and beautiful thing ive ever done and i cant tell you how happy i am with it, it shows another side to who i am, and shows that im not just this weirdo obsessed with dicks and death, im also into depressing games about isolation and alienation :).
01. This is a Cry for Help

I had to put this as my #1.. because its a collection of everything else on this list, and everything else ive done for the past 10 years. This is a cry for help sums me up 100%, its who i am exposes all my darkest fears and explains why i am the way i am. Its my lifes work on a 700mb CD... awesome? i sure hope so.
Over all 2008 had been the most creatively productive year of my life, and that's why not seeing my work in any top 10 lists seems to sting so much. What can i say? Im just trying my best to be honest and do what moves me.
I realize my work is weird and not everyone's going to like it, i accept that ill never appeal to the majority and im coming to terms with the fact that not everyone in the world is going to like who i am and what im about, i just hope most will appreciate the fact that im trying to do something honest, expresive and full of heart.
Thanks again to everyone who's supported my work and picked up a cd this year, your kind words and hard earned cash is what's keeping me going these days!.
see you next year
I bought your cd. You did a good job picking the best of 2008.
I admire your work and hope to see more of it next year. ;)
Best wishes for a great year in 2009.
we all support you man :). good luck with your future projects! looking forward to them.
Hey, the CD doesn't count! Nah, just kidding.I wish you luck and more success in the next years to come, and keep up the awesome games! :)
P.S. Alpha Red is a fucking awesome name.
9 days is pretty fast, even for Cunt.
Im sure youre on a top ten somewhere, other than ByteJacker.
You've got the big break to come. This has been a huge year for indie gaming and not everyone's going to be getting the recognition they deserve, especially under the shadow of Braid and World of Goo. Maybe 2009 is the year you've been waiting for. It's surely a great time to be an indie developer (how much chance would anyone have had of getting noticed just 3 years ago?) Just keep working and it'll pay off. We guys wouldn't be here if you weren't making something special.
On a side note, I met someone in a pub (here in the UK) who had also bought your game collection, and we went on to chat about games all night. Thanks for the conversation starter.
Good luck, happy Christmas, kick ass, have fun.
go fuck yourself. i'm sure you'd love that.
thanks to you Edmund :D I really enjoyed your CD and I hope you'll make many others wonderful games ;)
You should get Alex to try Actionscript3, it's nothing like 1 or 2. 3rd best freeware arcade game of 2008.
I wouldn't call Aether an arcade game, but there ya go.
Blood Car was As3, i think Alex would have had an easier time with as2. Alex basically said if you program in C then as3 will have bugs that just don't make sense, Tommy has this same problem. :(
A very unique list I guess :) Nice to know you! If you have time, take a visit to my Download Games website.
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I'm a big fan of online flash games, and i really loved your games.
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