Friday, July 15, 2011

The Binding of Isaac, coming to Steam!

As some of you guessed, The Binding of Isaac will be launching on Valve's Steam service in August (not sept.).

We haven't settled on a price yet, but it definitely wont put much of a strain on your wallets.

ok, so details about the game.

Isaac is a roguelike shooter based on the dungeon structure of Zelda (nes). At its core it controls like Smash TV / Robotron in a randomly generated semi RPG world filled with powerups items and special abilities.

There is not a traditional leveling system in Isaac, instead we used an item system. Every level will have a treasure room, shop, boss and other secret/special rooms that might contain unique items. Special items come in 4 sets, Usable items, Special Weapon upgrades, Passive upgrades and stat boosters. 90% of items in the game stack, so as you progress your character will change into a monstrous powerhouse not only in stats and abilities but also in appearance.

There are currently over 70 special items in Isaac, not counting pickup items.

Aside from these core items, Isaac uses its pickup items as resources in what i call micro puzzles. the core resources in the game are Coins, Bombs, Keys, Hearts, cards and pills each of these pickups can be used in different ways to acquire special items, gain access to shops and hidden areas, kill enemies and also affect gameplay in many other ways.

The game currently has 6 "dungeons" spanning 3 chapters, 6 bosses, 36 enemy types, 4 unlockable characters and tons of dynamic happenings.

in the end we hope to top out at 8 dungeons with 10+ bosses and 42 enemy types.. we have our work cut out for us for our aug. launch.

As mentioned before Danny B will be doing the music, so you can expect an EP's worth of new Danny Awesomeness as well, we are also featuring Jordan on sound effects (he did the sounds for smb and donkey kong country wii)!

anyway, its exciting to finally announce all this. Florian just made it so neutral flys are attracted to piles of shit and if they eat too much of the shit they get fat and become bloated flys that poop blood at you... im very happy with this game so far.

here are some beta screen shots!

Till next time!


Anonymous said...


greywulf said...


Simon B.Kidane said...

Awesome. Super Duper Fucking Awesome! Why am i anticipated? Cause you Edmund, NEVER fail to deliver!

Anonymous said...


Erb said...


thealexfish said...

Day one purchase. This is the game I wanted to make if I had talent / skills.

Seriously, I started making a design doc for this kind of game and stopped because I'm just not there yet in terms of skills.

Also, props for going with Steam, the woman you marry.

monkyyy said...

looks awesome, and for the price try 50 cents

Laurielle said...

Do want, oh please yes, let me beat at least this one!

Anonymous said...

Please take my money!!!!

Shrapnel said...

Oh, frak! This is awesome. Do want. Now. No, make it... yesterday. =)

Anonymous said...

Looks very cool! Are you planning to release it on OSX?

BMcC said...

You had me at "Zelda (nes)." <3

Edmund said...

looking into Mac release, will know its possible in a week or so.

Anonymous said...

Is this a flash game wrapped in an .exe or a custom engine?


Anonymous said...

Looks fantastic, can't wait.

Any chance you'll be bringing this game to XBLA/XBLIG?

only asking, because SMB on my PC was way less fun than on XBLA,
with all the slowdowns and other effects that usually happen when a game is released on a non-unified platform..

Just think how great of a push it will be to XBLIG if a star dev as yourself will release there.

anyway you'll be bringin

Zedsky said...

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO i love you man!! i loved smb and i love this!!!

RetroMan said...

looks genius,I hope this is like my comments at his release !

Sam said...

"Roguelike shooter" is an oxymoron: see the comments here for details:

Edmund said...

@sam, its actually not.

Anonymous said...

It looks very promising.

Sam said...

@Edmund, uh, yes, it quite clearly is. There's really nothing else to be said, I was just trying to helpfully point out a mistake I thought you might have make. And, as we can see, you have nothing the way of a counter-argument, so I can only assume you are being stubbornly ignorant, which is how you will look if you keep using "roguelike shooter" to describe your game.

What if Square started describing FFXIII:V as an FPS-RPG because the main character can carry a gun? No doubt some moronic Square fanboys would insist in the truth of it, but it would still be wrong.

Sam said...

The point is this: a shooter is an ACTION game, as in one that relies on your reflexes to succeed, whereas a roguelike is turn-based and as such is as opposed to an action game as can be. Not to mention that Roguelikes are character-building heavy, which usually strongly limits if not obliterates any importance of reflex-based skills compared to the importance of your character build.

Onronc said...

@Sam: Have you ever played Cave Story? It requires you to use skill reflexes to shoot enemies but has some focus on RPG elements (gaining weapons, items and health) as well as a great story. It's not a rogue-like but it proves it's possible to combine these styles...
Perhaps Edmund could word it better, but are you really gonna get this worked up about semantics?

Besides I have a more important question to ask: WHY IS THE MAIN PROTAGONIST NAKED!?

Sam said...

Let's not worry over whether semantics are worth getting worked up over (they are), or whether I am even getting worked up in the first place (I'm not): all that really matters is that what I'm saying is correct and Edmund would be stupid not to acknowledge his mistake.

Cave Story is has neither any significance character building element, nor is it turned based. So, no, it's not an example of combining opposing styles, sorry.

javi said...

I need this on XBOX LIVE ARCADE.


Won't care it being official or just "indie".

BTW the game looks ACE.

Anonymous said...

Wow, go clear the sand out of your vagina, it's not like we even have all the details yet..

Looks pretty great so far though.

Sam said...

If Anonymous is talking to me then he is really goddamn stupid: I have all the details I need to make the argument that I did, and where you mentally able to follow an argument from start to finish then you would have realised that and would have not have embarrassed yourself with your pitiful attempt at mockery.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a good MMOFPS zynga style game!

Edmund said...

@sam nothing you say will stop me from calling the game a roguelike shooter because its based gameplay elements from both genre.

i understand what you believe is correct, but things change. i view spelunky as a roguelike platformer and i view isaac as a roguelike shooter. i dont care what you think what is or what you believe is right, this is what im calling it so people can get a basic idea of what the game is. its easy to assume if people see roguelike shooter they know what basic elements from each genre the game will have..

if i said traditional roguelike i could understand your bitching, but i didnt, so get over it.. no one really cares about these semantics but you.

also im not going respond to you anymore because your kind of an asshole.

Anonymous said...

In your face Sam xDD

HouseHeadStudios said...

i would imagine that it was made with flash..? (if edmund made it on his own) but i dunno whether or not steam would allow a flash game? so maybe its not flash... if so maybe steam will relax on some other game dev tools.. but maybe its just because its edmunds game.. sigh.. look forward to playing it.. i didnt really like SMB. But this looks like its awesome.. I guess making mockery/weird versions of nes games is now kinda edmunds thing.

HouseHeadStudios said...

I seem like such a jerk in my other post.. the word "mockery" wasn't exactly the best word to use.. since that could be interpreted as negative.. i meant it as the "joke" definition of mockery.. not that he is making a mockery of nes games..which he is.. but.. he isn't.. get what i mean? ugh.. you know what i mean! i guess i shouldn't worry about it.. anyway! its not that i hated SMB.. i just don't really like the whole infinite trying over and over thing since i have no patience. and if edmund did get a flash game on steam i would be happy! since he deserves it! i just wish steam would be cooler about flash/gamemaker etc..

Anonymous said...


Considering the previous work of Florian Himsl (his programmer) the game is most likely in Flash.

In Flash you can wrap the .swf file in an .exe and run it outside the web browser. Several high profile games to do and are on Steam. Two I can think of are Machinarium and VVVVVV.

Sam said...


Yeah, wow, Edmunds post: "I don't care" and "You're an asshole": I was really shown, right?


iheartchainsaw said...

@ Sam

Yeah cause that is all he said... Face the facts no one cares but you and you are only making yourself look like a douchey-ass hat.

Tzaloh said...

it is game related to team meat?
or is a totally indie game?
good work btw, i'll buy your game :D

Sam said...

If you think anything Edmund said in that post countered my argument then you need to read both posts again.

I'm sure not the only person who cares about semantics, though I understand why you and Edmund wouldn't care: care about how words are representations for ideas, and how the bastardization of language is the bastardization of thinking — but as it's now clear neither of you do much thinking...

"Face the facts".

Tzaloh said...


Cool Story, Bro.

Evan Harris said...

Hey Edmund is Gish,meat boy,or even time fcuk any unlock able characters in this game?

Dan said...

Very excited. Perma-death is an underused feature in games, and this sounds like a great combination of genres. How difficult will this be compared to SMB? To Nethack?

Anonymous said...

pls give us more screens from this game. i cant wait to play this month D:

Anonymous said...

I like your laugh can you give a boss your laugh please

SEO Company said...

Just used this Twitter device to read more about the game. Turns out the set a Sept. release date on Steam "just to be safe" but they're still aiming for later this month.

DAXA said...

i know its asking alot, but is thier even the slightest possibility that this could come to XBLA ? i mean i realllllllly enjoy super meat boy (still f****** havent finished it >,<)

i really hate not knowing and even if you said youll look into it like with for OSX/Mac it would put my mind at ease?

pweassseee? just...anything to do with XBL would soo make my week after bloodrayne got delayed, and we got screwed on trenched, and the summer of indie is DAYYYSSSSSSSSS away :(

Anonymous said...

Dearest Edmund,

I love your games.. and have been a fan forever.. I don't want this to start a flame war..and hope this comment doesn't start one but the thing is people don't seem to understand why I have problems with The Binding Of Isaac and automatically assume its for religious reasons.. I don't want to get into that too much here... but.... I kinda will...

I want to tell you that with the topics you have brought up with TBOI.. I think you need to be aware of the writings of Carl Jung.. and more specifically his book Answer To Job... which! is actually more controversial than your game and I am stating that so you and others don't instantly start thinking I am an extremely religious person who has been angered by your game and is trying to open your eyes to becoming religious or etc... since this is not the case.. in fact I am not religious.. I think I made that clear now?... er..

I do however feel that everyone should become more aware of the collective unconscious, archetypes, symbolism, spirituality, dreams and the myths of mankind and i think if you had a better grasp of this you maybe wouldn't have even bothered to make the back story of TBOI the way you have at least as far as I can tell from interviews etc...

I think this book Answer To Job among Carl Jung's other books would be highly beneficial to you and anyone else who thinks your game hits on how they feel about the topics the game focuses on religiously or otherwise....

I am posting this to you because at one point I had similar views, ideas and issues about the bible/religion or more specifically the old testament that you seem to have and have now addressed with TBOI.. and since I have dedicated a lot of my time learning about such subject matter that you seem to have attempted to address in TBOI in dealing with the old testament and religion etc... I wanted to share Carl Jung with you as well as in the general sense that I think it would be beneficial to you to read his works just as it would be beneficial to anyone else living today to read his works.

Edmund you must remember that with all your success as a game designer comes a real responsibility to make games that are educated if they are dealing with "deep" or "controversial" subjects. This is your game and you are releasing it for a lot of the world to see and play and learn from.. is this really what you want to be making and sharing with your fellow humans.. is a game like The Binding Of Isaac something you really want to contribute to the world? Have you really pushed your mind to learning enough about the subject matter in the game that you really feel comfortable having made TBOI about such topics? If you do feel comfortable.. well........

I feel that you and every other human in our modern times including myself are capable of learning and understanding far more about the subject matter that you seemed to have addressed in TBOI. Subject matter that you think you may understand to an extent or that you have already established an opinion about and have pursued with TBOI.

It is just kinda a shame that this game will be played by so many people when it could have a much deeper much more intelligent meaning behind it and still be about the same issues. You may understand what I mean by this after reading Answer To Job.. and Carl Jung's work..or you may not...

Don't get me wrong I do applaud you for attempting to tackle the issues you have with TBOI.. but I can't help but feel that you are missing out on a big chunk of information about such topics that would be helpful to you and anyone else who plays the game or has similar feelings about such things...

You one is going to understand what I am even talking about... and I don't even know why I am bothering myself with this.. I guess I should feel lucky that I know what I am talking about.. and I will leave it at this.... PLUS ULTRA!

Emol Dandriel said...

Oh man! The guy from up here knows a lot of the game and it is not yet released! You have probably already played it, you lucky bastard! D: Hope it is fun :D Can't wait to play it!

Anonymous said...

we are in september now.
where is my game copy!. XD

Anonymous said...

Getting on in time edmund. Can we get a blog post about this?

Anonymous said...

yes, it happens to be september 7th, an update to the game would be nice

Anonymous said...


Fanboy said...

Need News Plzzz

Fanboy said...

One demand per day ... Need news plzzz !!! I'm a Fanboy AHAHAHAH ! xD

Anonymous said...

waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting

Anonymous said...

u r all assholes.

mystrdat said...


Kid, you have some massive issues.

Besides, Edmund is correct in calling it accordingly as a genre suggestion, because that's all a "genre" is - a virtual category with wobbly borders.

I can also smell some personal gratification issues and a false sense of opinion importance, so simply get the fuck out of here. said...

Oh my god, there's so much effective information above!

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Ben said...


How funny that you turned out to be completely wrong. This IS a roguelike shooter and completely not turn-based like a traditional roguelike. You said it wouldn't require timing and reflexes? That couldn't be more wrong. This game is HARD and requires very good skills to beat.

I bet you're embarrassed now.

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"I'll show them with my words on the internets!!! I've figured it out!!!!"

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