Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hitler was a vegetarian

I didn't want to cannibalize Alex's Post about his latest game A New Zero, on the Crypic Sea blog so I thought I'd post this news here first.

As I mentioned last month, our next big Cryptic Sea release is an "album" of retro inspired games that will play kind of like tracks on a cd called No Quarter. My current favorite of the bunch is a game we have code named "gun" (it's not going to be called gun).

The basic story is as follows:\

Hitler survived and relocated to a remote island where he cloned himself 1000s of time to form a small society of Hitlers hell bent on world domination. You play as Vinko, a Russian secret agent sent to save the world.

The Hitler clones come in varying forms of degradative states ranging from the mentally retarded and horribly mutated to the super elite. I threw together a video of the beta (2 weeks in) from a few days ago, some of you might appreciate seeing a work in progress (rag doll Hitlers FTW!).

We submitted No Quarter to the IGF this year, it's still extremely early but the goal is to update it as we go, so fingers crossed that the judges check and we make it in.

The current track listing so far is: (Note that track titles are not final)

1."gun" (Mario + Wolfenstein)
2.Trivium (Tetris + Physics)
3."epic flail" (Missle Command + Rampage)
4.Hext (Scrabble + Hex board)
5."tree" (Art game + Sim)
6.Odyssey ( Lunar Lander + Awesome )

I'll post more info and screens from each game next week on the Cryptic Sea blog, but till then play A New Zero, it's fucking awesome.



James Id said...

Is there going to be a female Hitler ala "Hitler-ette" or "Adolfa"?

Anonymous said...

You should make old-school box art for each game. I like that you're combining them all, and also use of the word "album".

Anonymous said...

insane great ideas here!
looking forward for a first demo of gun.
as well as gameplay videos for the otehr games trivium, epic flail and odyssey.

the song is "das schutzenfest" sung by mastermind mike patton!

here are the lyrics

Unknown said...

I'd like to see some melee, since these guys are like lemons compared to something unbreakable, in the future I'll enjoy throwing foe of the roof!

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Interesting post you got here. I'd like to read something more about this topic. Thanx for sharing this info.
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Julian K said...

The concept of 'gun', with Hitler clones in various states, sounds incredibly intriguing.