Triachnid 2 is a project Florian and i have been working on, on and off, for about a year. We are currently working on fixing the obviously problems with the 1st game, working on controls and more open ended game play. Tri 2 takes place shortly after the first game, where the traichnid leaves his home with his egg sack in search of a safe place to raise the last of his species.
To escape the rain the Traichnid sets up his nest in a small cave, then ventures out into the world in search of food for its young, adventure ensues.

im not sure when it will be finished, Florians currently putting his balls in buckets for a 2nd time and im finishing up a game with Tommy (goo) called Grey Matter and then its on to Meat boy 1.5. But im sure we will have it done soon enough, we just need to catch that wave of inspiration and ride it for a few weeks.
but yeah just thought id share!
oh and if you haven't played the first Triachnid, you should.
hey i plyaed the first one and now i am a fan so i ask you please release a beta version or demo or something please
Please finish triachnid 2
Triachnid is one of the most original games i have ever played!! Finish it go go! I'm sure i won't be the only one jumping for joy!
really nobody can wait for it even i cant but we love the first one and cant wait for the second one. please be as fast as you can
Can we get a rough time estimate? *begs shamelessly*
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huge fan of the game plzz hurry up makeing it plzz plzz plzz
its the very big fan again:
im searching for betas demos ect...
ill send a link when i got something
Hey Edmund, Uou has been abandoned your best game?
I see commentes and screenshots about Tri-achnid 2 varius year later and no game, it rediculous, various ask and no awsers!
Please continue your best game or open the code to fans continue!
you guys know he hasn't posted anything since 2008. i think he lost interest in the tri-achnid project. ether that or he's dead.
think they just gave up...
Edmund's currently dealing with bigger companies like Nintendo, Microssoft, etc. I really don't think Tri-achnid 2 is very high on his list of priorities. Quite frankly, i don't blame him.
please, bring out triachnid 2, the first one was awesome,please hurry
Triachnid 2 is a very nice project, however, I think the first game was ok, obviously there are always things to improve.
he will never finish this game, the game died the day he started makeing money for that shitty meat boy game, fyi meat boy sucks, not worth the 15 cents it cost to make.
It's been 3 years since the last update... I've lost faith, he's never gonna finish this.
PLEEEEASE FINISH TA2 THE FIRST 1 WAS AMAZING!!!!!! its been about 3 years since you last post!!! Can you at least give us an estimated time on when you will finish(if you ever do). We are all anxiously waiting for the release
Send him a message if you want Triachnid 2.
This is his email address:
Here's his facebook page:
You could even ask his wife:
I wish he would really put out TA2, it's been 4 yrs since last post come on man! I serious and furious!!!!!!
Yo why the hell is this taking so god damn long for you two to get this game going?
Please finish it. :(
For me i'm 99% sure the game called triachnid 2 will never EVER released Look it's already 2013... I've lost faith... lol ya know theres other AWSOME game AWSOME than this triachnid game.. but, if this game is released idc cause it might be like other game that you need to buy... >.>
I will still wait for your update, Edmund. No matter what, I'll never lose faith! I'm forever loyal to you. I won't rush your work, too. I'll wait until you finish the game!
it would be nice if he at least told us he wasn't making the game rather than keeping fans hopes up, if he is too pre-occupied to make the game I think that's fine but at least tell us so were not waiting around for nothing :(
how long will it take???, its 2014 already...(and i don't think that i need to describe how much i like this game)
He's fucking dead guys, just.. leave it.
4 years and no triachnid, why did you abandon it
it is unfortunate that triachnid 2 will never be made. even if it was basically the first game with a level editor that would be epic
2015 and no tri-achnid 2
Edmund... its been 4 years. I and we all have been waiting for this game for a long time... Please... Finish what you started, and you won't regret.
..............................This game HAS to come out eventually.
And guys, what if he's having issues with the coding? coding a game takes a hell of a lot of work, and even with multiple people working on it, even a simple game like this can take a long long time to code.
its been 1 year since the last comment
pls make our hopes come true :(
Well its 2018 now I think it's safe to say this ain't gonna be published anytime soon/at all.
But if it does somehow get released before 2022 then it will still have been in development for less time then Duke Nukem Forever. If not by then this will officially be a contender for longest time in development (I guess that'll only happen if it does get developments)
It's cancelled. He literally made a post in 2009 that it's cancelled. http://edmundmcmillen.blogspot.com/2009/05/and-all-that-could-have-been.html
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